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Token Bridge Mainnet Addresses and Links

Here, you can find a list of mainnet, testnet addresses, and ABIs used by the Token Bridge.

Token Addresses

  • USDT: 0x31974a4970BADA0ca9BcDe2E2eE6fC15922c5334
  • LINK: 0x2d850c8E369F26bc02fF4c9fFbaE2d50107395CB
  • DAI: 0xdF63373ddb5B37F44d848532BBcA14DBf4e8aa53
  • DOC: 0xAC3896da7940c8e4Fe9E7F8cd4475Cd2534F37d7
  • USDC: 0xbB739A6e04d07b08E38B66ba137d0c9Cd270c750

Token Bridge Mainnet Rootstock Addresses

Token Bridge Mainnet Ethereum Addresses

List of ABIs

See the list of ABIs used

Last updated on by max-barrera-2148